/ proof-of-stake

Why the $1M Campaign to Change Bitcoin’s Code Will Likely Bear No Fruit
/ Policy

Why the $1M Campaign to Change Bitcoin’s Code Will Likely Bear No Fruit

Environmental advocates have intensified their campaign for Bitcoin to switch to a more eco-friendly consensus mechanism following Ethereum's successful merge.

September 16, 2022
Miners Push For Ethereum Hard Fork as Sales of ETHW IOUs Continue

Miners Push For Ethereum Hard Fork as Sales of ETHW IOUs Continue

Miners who will be left with worthless ether mining rigs after the Merge are pushing for a hard fork of Ethereum that will mint a new proof-of-work token.

September 06, 2022
Bitcoin Lags Behind Ethereum in Recovery as The Merge Looms

Bitcoin Lags Behind Ethereum in Recovery as The Merge Looms

ETH 2.0 hype leaves Bitcoin behind, but it also boosts Ethereum Classic.

August 02, 2022
Vitalik Reiterates Not All PoS Blockchains Allow Voting: Is Ethereum a Security?

Vitalik Reiterates Not All PoS Blockchains Allow Voting: Is Ethereum a Security?

The perennial debate between proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work (PoW) maximalists continues in earnest.

July 12, 2022
If Ethereum 2.0 Consumes 99.98% Less Energy, Will Institutions Jump In?

If Ethereum 2.0 Consumes 99.98% Less Energy, Will Institutions Jump In?

Ethereum's transition to proof-of-stake could open the floodgates of institutional inflows.

March 21, 2022

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