/ White House

Top AI Firms to Met with US Gov. Over Safety Commitments
/ Market Analysis, Policy

Top AI Firms to Met with US Gov. Over Safety Commitments

Top AI firms set to visit the White House and discuss voluntary AI safety commitments.

July 21, 2023
Up to 50% of North Korean Missiles Funded With Stolen Crypto: White House

Up to 50% of North Korean Missiles Funded With Stolen Crypto: White House

The White House reportedly estimates that DPRK is extensively using stolen cryptocurrency and proceeds of other cybercrime activities to finance its weapons programs.

May 10, 2023
White House Wants Harsh Taxes For Crypto Miners, Cites Environmental Damage

White House Wants Harsh Taxes For Crypto Miners, Cites Environmental Damage

The White House is justifying its proposed DAME Tax by claiming that crypto miners have a negative impact on the environment even when using clean energy and offer few real benefits to society.

May 02, 2023
White House Commends Regulators’ Crypto Efforts, Asks Congress to Do More

White House Commends Regulators’ Crypto Efforts, Asks Congress to Do More

In a busy day for legislators and regulators, the White House, the FED, and the SEC all had separate publications pertaining to cryptocurrencies in some way.

January 27, 2023
White House Unveils First-Ever Framework on Digital Assets Regulation

White House Unveils First-Ever Framework on Digital Assets Regulation

The White House published its first-ever framework on crypto regulation, focusing on minimizing fraud in the industry and exploring the advantages of CBDC.

September 16, 2022

More from The Tokenist / White House

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