/ South Korea

Korea’s Meme Stock Craze Leads to Small Caps Outperforming the Index
/ Market Analysis

Korea’s Meme Stock Craze Leads to Small Caps Outperforming the Index

South Korea's small-cap Kosdaq index, driven by meme stocks, has become one of the world's best-performing indices.

September 12, 2023
South Korea Orders Crypto Exchanges to Maintain At Least $2.2M in Reserves

South Korea Orders Crypto Exchanges to Maintain At Least $2.2M in Reserves

New guidelines require cryptocurrency exchanges to build a minimum reserve of $2.28 million starting in September.

August 28, 2023
South Korea Tightens Up Crypto Surveillance on Two Fronts

South Korea Tightens Up Crypto Surveillance on Two Fronts

South Korea elevates financial statement requirements, as new crypto-crime unit launches.

July 12, 2023
SK Telecom Upgrades AI ChatBot, Expects Users to Treat it as a “Close Friend”

SK Telecom Upgrades AI ChatBot, Expects Users to Treat it as a “Close Friend”

SK Telecom equipped its AI chatbot with new technology using Microsoft's cloud computing service.

June 30, 2023
South Korea Unifies Several Crypto Bills With One Legislature

South Korea Unifies Several Crypto Bills With One Legislature

South Korean parliament approved a new unified crypto legislation aimed at improving investor protection.

June 30, 2023

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