BSTX Files Rulebook with the SEC to Become First Regulated Exchange in the U.S.

BSTX Files Rulebook with the SEC to Become First Regulated Exchange in the U.S.

Boston Security Token Exchange (BSTX) has just filed with the SEC. The proposed rulebook would be for the first regulated security token exchange. 

Boston Security Token Exchange (BSTX) has just filed with the SEC a proposed rulebook. BOX Exchange LLC, the parent firm, is already a national securities exchange registered with the SEC under section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. BSTX would operate and be regulated under the BOX Exchange.

BOX Digital Markets is already partnered with tZERO. A joint venture between the two was announced back in June of 2018, with the intention of creating the world’s first fully-compliant security token exchange in the United States.

tZERO will be responsible for all the ongoing technology, its implementation, administration, maintenance, and support. BSX will provide regulatory expertise along with leadership and capital.

BSTX is based in Boston with Lisa Fall serving as their CEO. She told reporters:

“For the last year, we have worked closely with our partners, tZERO, and in coordination with regulators in designing a framework for the secure and efficient trading of security tokens. We believe the proposed rules provide a secure and regulated means for the trading of security tokens and we are excited to provide this new venue to market participants, pending regulatory approval.”

The chairman of BSTX echoed the same optimism by saying that security tokens are, indeed, the future.

“There is no doubt that security tokens are the future of capital markets and we are excited to be working to continue to advance this evolution of the industry through creation and trading of blockchain-based tokenized securities.”

tZERO, their partner, has been one of the most high-profile security token projects in the space. Earlier this year, their exchange went live for trading. 

Do you trust these two companies to be successful in their bid to establish a regulated security token exchange in the U.S.? Let us know your thoughts below. 

Image courtesy of Bitcoin News. 

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