Loans > Sky Blue Credit Repair Review

Sky Blue Credit Repair Review

Sky Blue Credit Repair aims for simplicity, value, and helpful customer service.

Reviewed by
Updated May 02, 2022

All reviews, research, news and assessments of any kind on The Tokenist are compiled using a strict editorial review process by our editorial team. Neither our writers nor our editors receive direct compensation of any kind to publish information on Our company, Tokenist Media LLC, is community supported and may receive a small commission when you purchase products or services through links on our website. Click here for a full list of our partners and an in-depth explanation on how we get paid.

Looking for the best way to improve your credit? The process can seem overwhelming and full of headache, with a lot of time wasted and little progress made.

Luckily however, there are legitimate options that can raise your credit without much work. A number of people are turning to them now, more than ever.

With the effects of COVID-19, more people are looking to increase their credit scores to secure better credit and loan rates. This is so much the case that the credit repair industry is expected to boom by 2025. At the same time, BEA findings suggest consumers are becoming more thoughtful about how they spend their money, likely because they have either already lost, or are worried about losing, their jobs.

Essentially, we want more bang for our buck.

Unfortunately, the increase in demand for credit repair services will also bring an increased amount of fraudulent cases — so how can you recognize the frauds?

Sky Blue Credit Repair is a leading credit repair company, with a strong track record of helping customers get fantastic results.

In this review, we’ll go through what exactly Sky Blue Credit Repair can do for you. We’ll also highlight all the pros and cons, and outline how much you’ll have to pay for the service. ⏬

Sky Blue Credit Repair is a leading credit repair company. The customer service team is consistently raved about in reviews. The firm offers a clear pricing structure, and legitimately offers the best value in the credit repair industry.

Fast Facts

  • Fees: $79 per month
  • Highlight: A simple, transparent structure with high value
  • Best for: Those looking for a customized service

Company Rating

  • Fees: 9/10
  • Communication: 9/10
  • Dispute Process: 9/10
  • Customer Service: 9.5/10
  • Credibility & Trust: 10/10
  • Overall: 9/10
Visit Sky Blue Credit Repair on Sky Blue Credit Repair’s website

What is Sky Blue Credit Repair? 🔵

Based in Boca Raton, Florida, Sky Blue has been around since 1989 offering customers a credit repair service. Sky Blue Credit Repair is known to be one of the leading credit repair companies, with very few competitors able to come close to its offer.  Customers across 50 states, looking to repair, build, or develop their credit reports can benefit from Sky Blue Credit Repair.

Sky Blue Overview & Summary

Sky Blue Credit Repair is defined by several key points, which we’ve rounded up to the top six:

  1. Sky Blue helps clients to raise their credit score by analyzing their report and correcting any inaccuracies or incorrect information that may be on it. 
  2. According to Sky Blue Credit Repair, you can start the process of repairing your credit for an initial fee of $79, and then $79 per month. Couples can get a discount price of $119.
  3. Sky Blue Credit negotiates with your lenders or disputes up to 15 items on your report per month.
  4. Customers can expect a knowledgeable customer service team, and a 90-day guarantee, something that is unique in the industry.
  5. As the effects of the pandemic continue, customers should know how to recognize potential scams.
  6. There are some key questions you should ask yourself before hiring a Sky Blue Credit Repair, like what is your budget, and if you’ll likely need additional services.

How Can Sky Blue Credit Repair Help? 🆘

Sky Blue Credit Repair helps clients raise their credit score by correcting any inaccuracies or incorrect information that may be on their credit report. If any exist, raising your credit score will be almost impossible, even if you’re doing your damn best to be the ideal consumer.

Sky Blue Credit Repair helps you remove any incorrect info from your credit report.

Sky Blue will request copies of your credit report from three major credit bureaus including, TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. The company will then go through every word in every sentence to ensure the report doesn’t include anything that can’t be confirmed or verified.

Should anything of the sort exist, Sky Blue will work with you to communicate the discrepancies to the relevant authorities. In it, the letters will highlight particular information that needs to be removed from the report.

What are the Pros & Cons of Sky Blue Credit Repair? 📜

We’ve created a list of the best and worst of Sky Blue Credit Repair:


  • Knowledgeable and professional customer service
  • Incredible value when compared to the competition
  • Track record of getting results
  • Fast processes
  • Handles the work for you
  • Individual, personalised communications
  • No upselling


  • It’s always possible to pursue DIY credit repair instead of paying a company to do it for you – but if you have bad credit and want to pay for credit repair, there’s little downside with Sky Blue

What Are Sky Blue’s Fees? 💳

So, how much does Sky Blue Credit Repair cost? And is it worth it to get better rates on your debt consolidation loan.

According to Sky Blue Credit Repair, you can start the process of repairing your credit for an initial fee of $79, and then $79 per month. Couples can get a discount price of $119.

Importantly, there’s no upselling or hidden fees with Sky Blue. This factor sets them apart from the competition.

Sky Blue also doesn’t charge any extra fees for credit reports or monitoring. Before, customers were charged a fee of $39.95 per credit report they pulled from each of the three-bureaus, or a monitoring service fee of $14.95.

💡 Keep in mind: You will more than likely need several report pulls throughout a credit repair process, if only to observe any potential changes in your FICO score.

How Does Sky Blue Credit Repair Work? 🔍

To start the process with Sky Blue Credit, fill out the enrollment form on the Sky Blue website. To register you will need to fill in the following information:

  • Your name
  • Street address
  • Phone number
  • Email address

First off, an agent will speak to you to determine what areas you want to focus on in your credit report. Then it will get your credit reports and begin a line-by-line review. The company has the experience to notice even the smallest discrepancies that could be affecting your credit. 

Sky Blue credit uses the information from its review to devise an action plan that will hopefully result in an increased credit score. The company also offers some ways you can start seamlessly rebuilding your credit with software.

How Sky Blue’s Credit Repair Works 🤔

Sky Blue Credit negotiates with your lenders or disputes up to 15 items on your report per month. The company utilizes its legal tools to argue for the removal of the items. Each month, the company will begin the process for the removal or correction of information in your report until you are satisfied that your credit report is at a fair standard.

Sky Blue also offers a 35-day dispute cycle.

In addition, Sky Blue will send you tips on how to monitor your credit, to raise your credit score yourself, including ways you can begin raising it naturally. 

Interested in credit monitoring? Get started with the top credit monitoring services.

Where Sky Blue Credit Repair Shines ⭐

Now that we’ve gone through the major aspects of Sky Blue Credit Repair, we’re going to go through what makes Sky Blue really stand out. 

1. Responsive Customer Service ☎️

“Let me just say how awesome your customer service department is. They handled everything, answered all of my questions and got me pointed in the right direction. Your credit repair company is the gold standard!” – R.H.

“Thanks again for helping me repair my credit. Everything has been amazing and I’m really looking forward to seeing more results.” – H.J.

The sky blue customer service team is both knowledgeable and responsible. Quite impressively, the firm holds an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

The BBB offers opinions on how a company will most likely interact with its customers. The company takes and uses information from business and public data sources to assign a rating from A+ (highest) to F (lowest).

Many reviewers have reported the company as being up-front when it believes the customers credit report wouldn’t benefit from a professional look.

With these cases, Sky Blue recommends additional steps the customer could take to improve or alleviate the current credit concerns they have (free of charge).

Finding a company that helps people, regardless of profit, is a rarity.

Lastly, one other thing on this topic that caught our eye: Sky Blue is known to call customers to let them know they will no longer need to pay, because it has finished its work.

2. 90-Day Guarantee 📅

Sky Blue Credit Repair’s 90 day money back guarantee will come as a welcome relief to those who are weary about handing over cash to companies at the moment. Especially,  when the industry is expected to boom by 2025, which will no doubt increase credit repair fraud.

If anything, this guarantee only proves the company’s reputability. Offering a money-back guarantee in this industry certainly isn’t the easiest thing to do. And for good reason: Credit repair is so individual and personal for person to person.

Essentially, for a company to have the guts to offer this to new customers, it must be confident that it can deal with the most complex credit issues. Sky Blue’s record confirms why it has this confidence. And, 90 days is a more than generous length of time.

Honestly, the 90-day guarantee says a lot. It essentially says that if Sky Blue doesn’t produce results for you, then you don’t need credit repair in the first place.

However, their initial consultation will be enough to know whether or not they can help. If they can’t — they’ll tell you up front, as they don’t want to work for 90 days without any results.

Wondering how much of a refund you actually get within that time period? The company doesn’t just refund the initial set up fee, it refunds all payments made.

😌 Peace of mind: With Sky Blue Credit Repair’s 90-day guarantee, unsatisfied customers will get a refund of all payments made, including the initial set-up fee.

We’re recommending Sky Blue because it’s a beacon of a company in an industry filled with pitfalls.

Sky Blue is a reputable company in the midst of an industry with pitfalls. However, should you have any doubt or concerns, it might bring you comfort to know that you will get a full refund if you’re unsatisfied. This is something that Sky Blue’s competitor’s do not offer.

Now, let’s get onto something a bit less exciting.

3. Sky Blue Does the Hard Work for You 💪

A Sky Blue representative will go through and identify any items that should be removed from your credit report. This is the most time consuming part of the process.

Typically, companies will require that you do this complicated work yourself. Sky Blue however, looks after it for you.

The company is also renowned for identifying smaller, more subtle inconsistencies that may otherwise go unnoticed.

4. Disputes Handled Internally 🤐

Sky Blue disputes with the credit bureaus without any need for your intervention. While it is technically possible to dispute inquiries yourself, it is a difficult and time consuming process. Sky Blue looks after the disputes for you, and will make sure to include your contact information along every step of the way. 

This means that you will receive responses from the credit bureaus directly, for no additional fee. This is far more efficient than waiting on a representative to forward notices on to you.

5. Sky Blue’s Processes Are Fast 💨

There’s no denying it; Sky Blue works at a strong pace. The company disputes up to 15 inquiries per month. That’s nothing to be sneered at!

This is one of the quickest credit repair processes out there. That said, it finds the right balance of communication with the bureaus because too much can have the opposite effect desired and could potentially put you back a few steps.

6. Assistance & Education 🏫

Sky Blue helps customers find ways to improve their reports and give their credit scores a boost. Generally, lenders are looking for specific items on your credit report, including missed payments and delinquencies. Sky Blue will assist you to find these issues, and then they’ll get to work on eliminating them.

While, of course, the content in your credit report should not be overlooked, most financial institutions look at your score, and that’s it. Sky Blue will give you the right advice so that you can take immediate action.

7. Additional Services ⚙️

Sky Blue Credit Repair offers additional services that come as part of the package (at no additional charge. These include: 

On top of credit repair services, Sky Blue Credit Repair offers:

  • Goodwill letters
  • Debt validation
  • Cease and desist letters

8. Customized Disputes ✉️

In a lot of cases, companies send what’s known as “form mail”. This means that every letter sent to the bureau is the same, templated, message, with no differentiating factor from customer to customer.

All correspondence sent by Sky Blue to the 3 bureaus is customized and individual from client to client.

An Alternative to Sky Blue Credit Repair

We’ve gone through the best of Sky Blue Credit Repair. But maybe the firm isn’t what you’re looking for. Read below to see if this applies to you and your unique situation.

It Might Feel a Little Unnecessary

If you have a less than ideal credit score, there are things you can do to help yourself, free of charge. Money’s tight right now, so why should we spend it on something we could potentially do ourselves? 

With more companies on the edge of bankruptcy, we should also be aware that getting lenders to front up the cash for loans could become increasingly more difficult. This could make having a good credit score more important than ever. 

However, some customers might prefer to put in the work and time themselves, especially those of us being more cautious of where our money goes.

Yet if you don’t have the time — or the expertise — but need to improve your credit score, we firmly believe you won’t go wrong with Sky Blue.

How to Notice & Avoid a Credit Repair Scam 🧐

Those of us who do choose to go with credit repair companies should be aware of those too-good-to-be-true advertisements. We’ve all seen them – the ones that promise us a “new credit identity” i.e. a fresh beginning for our credit history. It makes us really wonder (and dream) about whether this will catapult us to great rates. Reality is: it’s a scam.

🔔 Did you know? Consumer complaints to the CFPB have seen dramatic increases in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, the CFPX received 29.494 complaints about different types of alleged consumer mistreatment – this number hit a record breaking high of 37.926 by June.

With the credit repair industry expected to boom as a result of COVID-19, fraudulant credit repair cases seem to be already on the rise. In the past few months, complaints to the CFPB have drastically increased month on month.

In March, the CFPB was inundated with 29,494 complaints around varying alleged consumer mistreatment – this number climbed to a staggering 37,926 by June.

Sky Blue Credit repair is a company that doesn’t offer any magic solutions, but rather keeps your expectations clear.

Keep in mind, these too-good-to-be-true companies usually are. A lot of the time, they sell Social Security numbers illegally. If you were to go ahead and use a number that wasn’t yours, you could end up with some hefty fines, or even locked up – it’s that serious.

Signs of a Credit Repair Scam 💳⚠️

Scams catch out so many people for a reason, they’re usually well-thought out, and quite deceiving. But what exactly are the signs of a scam? To help you stay on your toes, here are some ways you can recognize a potential credit repair scam:

 A Credit Repair Company Should Not

  • Insist on being paid before any work is completed
  • Advise you not to contact the credit reporting companies yourself
  • Advise you to dispute information on your credit report – even when you’re sure it’s correct
  • Advise you to submit false information when applying for credit or a loan
  • Be unclear about your legal rights when explaining what they will do for you

What Are Your Credit Rights? ⛔

The Credit Repair Organization Act (CROA) is your best friend in this case. This Act states that it is illegal for credit repair companies to lie about what they can do for your situation, and to charge for work before it’s completed the service/s.

This is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, and requires credit repair companies to be clear about the following:

  • Give you a written contract that clearly explains your legal rights and details what services the company will complete
  • Outline your right to cancel the service within three days, without a fee
  • Tell you when you should expect to see results
  • Highlight all fees involved, including the overall cost
  • State what exactly is guaranteed
  • Have an easy cancellation policy in place

What can you do if a credit repair company you’ve hired doesn’t do what it said it would? Here are some options to consider:

  • Sue the company in the Federal court to retrieve any fees you paid, or for any losses incurred, whichever is more.
  • Seek punitive damages – money the company has to pay for violating the law
  • Join others in a class action lawsuit against the company. If you win the company is required to pay your attorney fees.

Reporting Credit Repair Fraud

There are two ways to report a credit repair scam: 

  • State Attorney General
  • Federal Trade Commission

State Attorney General ✅

In a lot of states, there are laws governing credit repair companies. If you are unhappy with the service you’ve been given, report it to your state Attorney General (AG) or your local consumer affairs office.

Federal Trade Commission ✅

You also have the option of filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC can’t resolve any credit disputes for you, but it can take action against the company if it has a pattern of violating the law. 

Complaints can be filed on the FTC website directly or call 1-877-FTC-HELP.

Is Sky Blue Legitimate? 👍

Now that you know what to look out for to avoid a scam, the question remains, is Sky Blue a trustworthy company and should you use them?

Sky Blue ticks all the boxes of a reputable company. It’s credible, it has a track record of positive results, and its pricing structure is clear.

The company really sets itself apart in the following 2 ways that we highlighted earlier:

1 . Professional and knowledgeable customer service

2. 90-day guarantee

As we mentioned, finding a company that offers a 90 guarantee is rare in this industry. Customers of Sky Blue consistently describe the customer service team as: Professional, knowledgeable, friendly, and prompt.

But surely, not everyone needs to use a credit repair company? Right. Here’s a breakdown of who should consider using Sky Blue Credit Repair

Who Should Use Sky Blue? 🤵

To know if you should go ahead and hire Sky Blue Credit, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What is my budget?
  • Will I need additional services, like identity theft or credit report monitoring?
  • Do I prioritize getting individual service or having a bigger company to look after my account?
  • What do I hope to achieve by using this service?

Is Sky Blue Worth It? 🤷

BEA estimates show that we have less credit card debt and are taking a more cautious approach towards spending. In other words, we are spending less.

Okay look, here are the facts: Credit card debt has decreased during COVID-19. So, you may not need a credit repair company.

In June, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released estimates that disposable personal income decreased $911.1 billion (4.9%) and personal income decreased $874.2 billion (4.2%) in May. In other words, credit card debt is down because when you spend less, you spend less. 

At the same time, the BEA found that the U.S personal savings rate was almost two times more in May (23.2%) than in March (12.6). This suggests that many consumers are being more cautious with their money. If this is you, it’s important to make the best decision for you, and your money.

If this is true, you should be on top of all the facts before you invest your money into a credit repair service. Is it really worth it?

Is Sky Blue Worth It
Weigh up all your options before deciding to go with a credit repair company.

Here are some things to keep in mind when weighing the options of using a credit card repair company versus not using one.

Do You Have Room for Improvement? 🚀

If you have bad credit, or multiple issues on your credit report then there is a better chance of raising your FICO score, since more things need to be corrected. If you don’t take action to improve your FICO score, you could be stuck with a bad credit loan should you need to borrow funds.

You also need to think about what expectations you have and how much of an improvement you’re looking for. Look at your credit report and see if there is room for improvement.

It Can Cost Time and Money ⏱️💵

Credit repair companies can only dispute items a few times a month before they are reprimanded by a credit bureau, so if you have a good few items you want corrected, it can take some time, which will cost you.

On the other hand, if you only need to remove a few items then it should be a pretty quick process, which would cost less.

There is No Guarantee Your Credit Will Improve 🙅‍♂️

Any improvements made to your credit will be determined by the credit bureaus, not Sky Blue Credit Repair. For this reason, there is always the possibility that the requested changes will not be approved. Before you go into the process, it’s important to understand that your money might not result in a whole lot of change. 

With this in mind, it might be good to try to read and understand your credit report yourself so you have a good idea of what it entails before making your decision.

How Much Will Sky Blue Help My Credit? ☝️

While the company won’t be able to raise your credit without your help, it is a legitimate company with a strong track record of results.

Once you meet with a Sky Blue Credit Repair representative, they will go through the entire process and how long it should take, your rights, along with what they can do for you. Everything will be explained very clearly before any work begins. 

Is Sky Blue Credit Right for You? 🥇

Sky Blue is renowned for going above and beyond for its customers. It even offers advice to people, free of charge. The credit repair process is quick, affordable, and customers can expect to be communicated with by the credit bureaus directly.

Although we have highlighted the company’s website as being basic, it is something that could be easily fixed, and does not directly impact the service offered. 

With more potential fraudulent activity expected in the industry, customers should know how to recognize a scam, and choose a known and trusted credit repair company. Sky Blue could easily be the best in America.

Sky Blue Credit Repair FAQs

  • How Does Sky Blue Credit Repair Actually Work?

    Sky Blue works by disputing negative marks on clients credit reports with three leading credit bureaus. The credit bureaus communicate directly with you so you don’t need to wait on Sky Blue to forward on any messages. This is a good way of helping those with bad or fair credit get better rates for personal loans.

  • How Can I Get Started?

    To get started, go to the Sky Blue Credit Repair website and fill out the form. This will only take a few minutes.

    When you sign up, you’ll get an email with instructions on how to get them your credit reports. Once you receive the reports, the process will start.

  • How Long Does It Take to See Results From Sky Blue Repair Credit?

    This will depend on several factors, including the number of accounts on your credit report that need to be disputed. How quickly the bureaus respond will play a part, too. In comparison to others though, Sky Blue Credit Repair have quite a quick process.

  • Do They Offer a Guarantee?

    Yes, Sky Blue Credit Repair offers a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with the service, you will get a full refund.

    A specific outcome can never be predicted or promised. However, Sky Blue has a record of doing all it can to maximize the possibility of outstanding results.

  • Which Items Will Sky Blue Remove From My Credit Report?

    Understanding what Sky Blue potentially can and cannot remove from your credit report is important. 

    Any debt or legitimate inquiries owed should not be disputed. However, it is required that companies give evidence of the debt owed, or authorised an inquiry. If a company can’t do this, you might be able to get it removed.

  • Will Deleted Items Reappear on My Credit Report?

    On a rare occasion, a negative item might reappear on your credit report. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires credit bureaus to let you know before a previously deleted listing is re-reported. 

    They also have a window of only 5 days to re-reported a previously deleted item. After this time it is a FCRA violation, which makes it hard for bureaus to re-report items.

  • Which is Better: Sky Blue or Lexington Law?

    Lexington Law and Sky Blue are both great options for helping people to improve their credit score. This will ultimately lead to greater financial access — including access to loans from the leading debt consolidation lenders for example. Do some more research to figure out which is the best option for your personal needs.

    Sky Blue Credit Repair offers a lower monthly price, and excellent service. It also offers a couples discount. Lexington Law has also recently experienced some legal drama, whereas Sky Blue has not.

    The Sky Blue customer service team is also the best in the industry. Customers consistently rave about the professional and knowledgeable team. If you’re looking for the best value offered in the credit repair space, we recommend Sky Blue.

  • How Can I Raise My Credit Score in 30 Days?

    You can seriously ramp up your credit score in 30 days by doing the following

    1. Get your credit report.
    2. Go through your report line by line and identify any incorrect information
    3. Dispute this with the leading credit bureaus.
    4. Pay your credit card balances or consolidate your debt through a leading debt consolidation lender.
    5. Contact the collection agencies.
    6. If the collection agency does not remove the account, do not pay it.
    7. Contact the creditors to eliminate late payments.
    8. Dispute the inquiries.
    9. Become an authorized user.
  • Does Sky Blue Remove Charge Offs?

    Sky Blue Credit Repair can remove the charge off if it is the account is past the reporting period.

  • Does Sky Blue Hurt Your Credit?

    The suggestions and disputes recommended by Sky Blue will result in a better credit report and could improve your credit score. Depending on how many items you need assessed, it could take some time. Sky Blue Credit Repair is known to do it within a few weeks to months.

  • Should I Dispute a Charge Off?

    If there are any inaccuracies about the reporting, you could dispute it with your creditor or ask the bureaus to investigate. Paying a balance will help your credit improve in the long.

All reviews, research, news and assessments of any kind on The Tokenist are compiled using a strict editorial review process by our editorial team. Neither our writers nor our editors receive direct compensation of any kind to publish information on Our company, Tokenist Media LLC, is community supported and may receive a small commission when you purchase products or services through links on our website. Click here for a full list of our partners and an in-depth explanation on how we get paid.

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